ABFT – Voice Analysis

This study has concluded. We used voice data (vocal pitch) to measure emotional arousal during interviews conducted with suicidal adolescents participating in a psychotherapy trial comparing Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) to an individual non-directive control therapy. According to the emotional processing theory, more emotional arousal (as indicated by higher and more varied vocal pitch) during a pre-treatment interview would correspond with a greater readiness to approach and connect with upsetting memories. We hypothesized that higher emotional arousal prior to treatment would negatively correlate with pre-treatment levels of suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms and predict better treatment response (i.e., greater reduction in symptoms from pre- to post- therapy). We also hypothesized that adolescents would experience changes in emotional arousal over the course of therapy, but that these changes would depend on the treatment condition (i.e., changes in emotional arousal would be greater for adolescents participating in the family therapy compared to those in the individual therapy condition). Finally, we hypothesized that greater treatment-related changes in emotional arousal would correspond with greater improvements in symptoms.

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